Monday, May 28, 2007

*THEE Oath

*Thee Oath

On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God, myself, my family, my friends, and my country and to obey the THEE Law; To help other people at all times (ie. not be a bum living in my mom's basement) To keep myself physically strong (enough to pound the stuffing out of someone if need be) , mentally awake (to take any test at any time and pass) and morally straight (to always to the right thing, by God, my Guardian Angel-s, and my conscience). I also swear to always uphold a set of standards high enough to reach, but not easily. And to look presentable at any given time. To not talk behind other's backs and to keep my nose out of business that isn't mine, unless someone is being harmed then intervention is necessecary.

That really tickled my fancie. It did, alot. And now, I must go or the powers that be are going to butcher me for sleeping late. Yet this time, I will surprise them with my cleanliness!


*{Boy Scout Oath}

0 getting drunk on an aeroplane: