Monday, March 02, 2009

Busy Busy Bee

Hello poor neglected little blog & bloggers [if there are any still alive out there]!

I just wanted to pop in during the last few moments of free period to say 'hello!' & post a little update.

What has been going on? Hm... *taps finger against bottom lip*
1- I've had the demon virus. The one that makes you feel like you got hit by a Mac truck [or got pummeled by Sam and Dean Winchester, if there are any SPN fans lingering out there] and that has now spread on to both of my parents. Essentially this has just been a hell of a month. Thankfully, it's over and soon we are springing forward.
2- I've been procrastinating on almost everything. But, today I've actually turned myself around and got some stuff done. Just wanted to slack a bit on the internet before I popped back home to do some more homework before class. :[ Wah.
3- Been working a lot, but also spending a lot too. Been going out to lunch, buying coffee, going to estate sales, and going to the movies way too often. I need to slow the crap down.
4- I'm kind of disappointing myself. Haven't really heard back from any colleges besides Hofstra, who are waiting to hear back on if I want a phone interview or not. I really don't want to do a phone interview, because it's impersonal and I don't think I'm going to come across how I want, but it's looking like I'm about to do that. What do you think? And Carthage College in Wisconsin. I honestly don't even wanna go there. I think I'm going to apply to Oakland and Wayne State because they have late deadlines & hopefully it's still not too late. Oh & I missed the Michigan deadline for financial aid by a day. I knew the deadline was soon and was going to get on that this week (for real), but now I've passed it up. Hopefully federal aid will be enough for me.
5- My period still hasn't gotten here. This really confuses me. Nothing has been going on. WTF?!

Well, instead of being wholly theraputic, like blogging is supposed to be, I'm all fired up. Oh & I'm not donating blood at the school blood drive because I'm scared. YEAH, I'M SCARED.

Off to work on some homework and gonna go calm the crap down.

0 getting drunk on an aeroplane: